Sunday, March 9, 2025  (The Pizza Girls!)

3/5/25 newsletter

March 5, 2025 by  
Filed under Main

Hello Quilters,
There are 4 events we want you to know about, the Charlotte quilt show, the Raleigh quilt show, our White Elephant Sale and our Church Yard and Plant Sale. March is going to be crazy busy.  We hope to see you soon.
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Save the Dates!
The Charlotte Quilter’s Guild Quilt Show –
March 7 and 8, 2025,
 Charlotte, NC

The Capital Quilter’s Guild Quilt Show –
March 14 and 15, 2025, Raleigh, NC

White Elephant Fabric Sale to Benefit WNC
(specifically Creston Fire Department in Ashe Co., NC)
March 28 and 29, 2025, East of Statesville, NC
Cool Spring Community Church
1902 Mocksville Hwy, Cleveland, NC 27013

Yard Sale and Plant Sale to
Benefit College Scholarship Fund and WNC
May 2 and 3, 2025, East of Statesville, NC
Cool Spring Community Church
1902 Mocksville Hwy, Cleveland, NC 27013 

Hello Quilters,
This week has been AMAZING! We are just so thankful for all the donations that are pouring in from all over NC and SC.  We have had donations come in from Asheville, NC to Myrtle Beach, SC and all places in between.
Look at some of these pictures.  I think they show it better than I can tell it.

! yard pieces of green.

1 yard pieces of red and pink.

1 yard pieces of blue

Lots of books and patterns.


This is a load of wool.

more wool

This an an overview of the room.
How can you help?
1) Plan to attend the sale and shop.
2) Bring donations.  Bring them before or bring them during the sale.
It looks like we will do a 2nd sale later in the year.
Tell your quilting and crafty friends about the sale.  We have lots of great quilting fabrics.  Lots of books and patterns.  A whole table of kits and unfinished projects.  Wools for applique and felting.  Lots of garment fabrics and patterns.  These would be great for people making costumes.  Cross stitch fabrics.  Random upholstery and drapery fabric.  Some yarn and crochet thread.
4) I have had a couple of people in Charlotte ask if there was a “drop off place”.  Would anyone in Charlotte like to organize that and make one trip  to drop off donations?
Everyone that has walked into the Fellowship Hall has said,
We have 3 events coming up in March, see complete info below.
1) The Charlotte Quilter’s Guild Quilt Show.
2) The Raleigh Quilter’s Guild, (Capital Quilters ) Quilt Show.
3) Our White Elephant Fabric Sale to benefit WNC.
Save the dates – March 28 and 29, 2025.  Location – Cool Spring Community Church, 1902 Mocksville Highway, Clevleland, NC 27013 (about 6 miles east of Statesville)  9am – 3pm.
White Elephant Fabric Sale to Benefit WNC
We recently had a couple of customers downsize and give us all their stash.  Since we announced the sale, more fabric has poured in. We are going to have a sale and the proceeds will go to support an area of Ashe county that needs a lot of help with rebuilding. Our church had “adopted” an area that needs some help.  We are focusing on The Creston Fire Department.  Throughout this disaster, they have been the center of this community.  Feeding people hot meals.  Organizing clothes and shoes.  (I am sorry report’s but in the midst of all their efforts, last Friday night someone backed up to their refrigerated trailer, which was parked at the front of the FD  and stole the trailer and all the food in it.)  We are a tiny church of about 25 members, but small can be mighty.  When I suggested we do a “fabric sale” to benefit our project, they kinda gave me a funny look.  They had no idea about the quilting community.  They are figuring it out and are amazed at the donations that are coming in.
There are two things you can do to help with this project.
You can come shop and you can donate.

Here is a description of our project and mission statement from our Pastor, Rev. Dr. Darren Custer – 

(This is a repeat.  New info at the bottom, but I’m resending this because we had several people that never got the original email.)

In the heart of Ashe County North Carolina, there lies the small mountain community of Creston. The North Fork of the New River winds right alongside highway 88 as you pass through Creston. In September 2024, as Hurricane Helene dumped massive amounts of rain over Western NC, the north fork of the New River was among one of many rivers that significantly overflowed her banks. The high raging waters brought destruction to homes, businesses, infrastructure, including roads and power lines. Many in the community have said, who have lived their all their lives, “They had never seen anything like it”. Families’ entire lives, washed away down the river. One small church lost its entire basement with nearly 7’ of water in it. Once the waters subsided, not only destruction, several inches to several feet worth of mud and muck covered everything. In many cases, disaster response, well, insurance says they are on their own. No flood coverage. Government agencies more than willing to deem a place livable or unlivable, but how about a helping hand?

That’s the general story of Creston, NC yet there is hope. Stepping in where no one else seems to want to, there is Creston Volunteer Fire Department. They have responded with the help of able-bodied men and women to help with rebuilding infrastructure, homes, and giving the people of the community hope through supplying food, clothing, and other needs as the community perseveres through this challenging time. From turning their truck bays into food serving areas for community meals, the office and volunteer quarters into a distribution facility for the people to come and get needed supplies, to clearing trees, material handling and drop off point/staging for materials to rebuild bridges and roads. Creston VFD has stepped up amid crisis, to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

Our church has served Chicken Plate meals from the Fire Department and has met a lot of these sweet, wonderful mountain folks and our hearts long to continue to help them through the long road of recovery ahead. Creston VFD has become our connection to the community and a means to help those who are in need.

March 2025 update. We took a pickup truck load consisting of non-perishable food items, soups, Ramen noodles, and shelf stable milk to Creston VFD on the 1st. The fire department is continuing to support the community as a distribution location. Sadly only a night or two prior to our visit, someone stole their refrigerated trailer out of the fire department parking lot. While they pray it is found and returned, they also are in need to get there First Responder’s Department restocked and equipped as they lost all there equipment in the flood. The Fire Department has been so community focused, helping them get back on their feet, yet in the background, they need help as well to get them back operating at full capability. Maybe part of our mission is to refresh those doing the refreshing…………………….

The mission of this sale is to impact the small community of Creston, NC in a big way, and give God the Glory for it all!!

People want to help when they know where the proceeds are going.  Quilters have already shown great generosity by donating quilts. This is another way to help.  People need lumber, stoves, sheet rock, and refrigerators. Like I said before, you can help in a couple of different ways.
1 – You can come and shop.
2 – You can spend an afternoon in your sewing room cleaning out a bit and donate to the sale.  We will accept anything that is sewing related.  We will take quilting fabric, books and notions.  We will also take upholstery fabric. old clothing patterns, zippers, polar fleece, etc.  You know what I am talking about.  We all have way more stash than we need.  Half started things?  Absolutely.  Yarn and crochet thread? Yes.
Here’s the thing – I need it sooner than later.
My hard cutoff date for accepting donations is Tuesday, March 18, 2025.  You know that a sale like this takes a lot of organization. If you would like to donate, please call me or Cindy at the numbers below.  Keep in mind we are tied up during mid-March with shows.

Patti – 704-807-6992 or Cindy 704-376-2531

Can’t get it here by the 18th?  Bring it with you when you come to shop. I think I have said it before but we have so much stuff that it looks like there will be a couple of sales. Got bric a brac?  I’ll take that too. Our church will continue with this project and our College Scholarship fund in May at our annual Yard Sale and Plant Sale.  May 2 and 3, 2025.  Bring items for this sale when you come to the White Elephant Fabric Sale.  We sell everything at this sale.  We sell kitchen items, decorative items, towels, sheets, children’s clothes, rusty shovels with no handles, Elvis clocks and small furniture items.  You name it and we have sold it.  About the only thing we can’t sell is treadmills.  Who wants to exercise if you have time to sew?


Upcoming Shows, Classes and Guild Programs
Not sure when we will start back with classes.
We need to get Cindy back to normal.

Farm News

Most of you know that Cindy and I live on a farm that has been in our family for 5 generations.  We don’t know the first thing about a tractor but we know a good thing when we see it.  Josh and Brandi Teague are using our farm to raise locally grown 100% Grass Fed Beef.  This is the way farming should be done.  They don’t use antibiotics or hormones.  Pasture are regenerating under their watchful eye.
They ship beef all over the US.  Check out their website, or find them on Facebook or Utube.

Call Cindy – 704-376-2531 if you would like to order anything.
As most of you know, we are not a brick and mortar shop.  We are just a studio.

We are available by appointment.  Call us if you need directions.  We are located off I-40 between
Statesville and Mocksville, NC.
Our address is 186 Page Farm Road, Cleveland, NC  27013.
We are not anywhere close to Cleveland, NC, even though that is our mailing address.

Cindy – 704-376-2531
Patti – 704-807-6992

Email:  [email protected]

Donkey News

Lady Mary says, “Come to the White Elephant Fabric Sale”.

The Charlotte Quilters’ Guild will be hosting their 2025 Quilt Show at the Park Expo and Conference Center (Freedom Hall) on March 7 and 8, 2025 from 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM. Tickets are $10 ($7 for students, age 10 and under free). Parking is $10. Peruse the quilts made by our Guild members and check out our vendor booths!




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