Monday, February 17, 2025  (The Pizza Girls!)

October Quilting Class –

There are no classes scheduled for October.  


Class will once again be held at Cool Spring UMC, 1902 Mocksville Highway, Cleveland, NC…Hwy. 64, east of Statesville.  The church is easily accessible from I-40 or I-77.

Hwy. 64 about 8 miles East of Statesville.  (Cleveland is our mailing address…a rural route…
we are not in Cleveland so don’t let your GPS take you there!  If you need directions, call Cindy or Patti.)
Bring your “Show and Tell”.  Finished or unfinished, we love to see what you are working on.  
Class will be from 10 am-4 pm but we have the church open by 9 am so you can get set up and have a cup of coffee before we begin at 10 am.
As you know, eating lunch is an important part of the day.  You bring a sandwich and we’ll provide sides, chips, desert and tea.
Be sure to bring something to share during “show and tell”.
To register for the class, call Cindy Page, 704-376-2531 to reserve your space, then mail a check made to The Quilter’s Gallery to 224 Woodleaf Road, Cleveland, NC  27013.  Payment is required at the time of registration to hold your space in the class.  
If you can’t join us for the class, remember we are “Open” for shopping. We invite you to stop by and shop while the class is going on.  
We can take you to “the barn”.  That’s where we keep batting, wide backs, other goodies.  Remember all our buttons from the store?  
We still have those.  Lace, eyelet trim-it’s there too. Just ask, and we’ll pull them out for you.  We’ve been rearranging the barn and, 
like all cleaning/organizing adventures, we have a mess!  Hopefully, we will restore order within the next 2 weeks so you can visit 
“the barn” and find anything you are looking for.  We’ve even rearranged the fabric!  
Any questions?  Give us a call, Cindy—704-376-2531 or  —704-807-6992.
Hope to see you soon.
Patti and Cindy