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Quilting and Fiber Art Marketplace – Vendor Info

May 10, 2010 by  
Filed under Events, Main


This page is Vendor Information.  Move in/move out info.

Hello Everyone,

I trust everyone is preparing for a good Christmas/Holiday Season and you are looking forward to a Happy New Year.  Enclosed is move-in information and last minute show details.  Please spend a few minutes to include the show info in your newsletter, your Facebook page, or anywhere else you can think to post it.  Your customer base is our most important resource.  We have tried to schedule activities so customers will arrive early and stay late.

Show dates and times -Friday, Jan. 14, 2022 from 9am – 4pm and Saturday, Jan. 15, 2022  from 9am – 4pm.  

Location – Dennis Wicker Civic Center, 1801 Nash St., Sanford, NC 27330

Building will open at 8am each morning.

Civic Center website and area information –

Move-in day and time – Official move in is Thursday, Jan. 13, 2019 from 8am – 6pm.  Construction is finished so as before, we have access to the front and back doors.  The back access is not “drive thru” like it was.   Please drive up, unload and move your vehicle as quickly as possible to share the access with other vendors.  

More Move in Stuff – As soon as you finish unloading, move your car to a distant parking space. We realize that everyone wants to get as close to the door as possible.  Please unload or load and move your vehicle as quickly as possible. Please do not leave your car in a prime location while you arrange or pack your booth.  Please be respectful of aisle space, so others can access their booth.  Please do not block access to ramps or doors. 

There are Civic Center employees on hand if you need help. If they do help you, please tip them.  Please call the Civic Center to schedule their help. 919-776-0345

Parking – Please save the best parking spaces for our customers.  After unloading, please park in the spaces away from the building.

Move out and cleanup – Please do not begin to the move our process until 4 pm on Saturday.  No dollies on the floor until the show has closed.  Please leave your space as you found it.  Break down your boxes and put your trash at the closest trashcan.  You must be out of the building by 8pm on Saturday night.

Each booth is 10’ x 10’.  8’ pipe and drape along the sides and back wall.  8’ side rails.  Do not pin anything on this drape that will damage it.  Pipe and drape will set up on Wednesday.  Extra pipe and drape will not be available on Thursday when you are setting up.   Electrical access should be at the back of your booth.  Bring heavy duty drop cords, not zip cords. 

You will need to provide your own sign.  We will have small signs with your booth # on it.  Please leave these signs visible.

Tables are 8’ long.  They are free as long as they last.  If you need to order 4’ or 6’ tables, ($8.54 each, tax inc.) let me know immediately. You will need to bring table covers.  Chairs are included.  The floor is concrete.  Make sure you bring a sign.

We will have a runner taking lunch orders and making deliveries.  Mrs. Lacy will be doing lunch again.  Please pick up a form and turn in your lunch order before you leave on Thursday.

Door Prizes – Door prizes are voluntary, but greatly appreciated.  Please bring a few things for daily door prizes and for the “Big Basket”.

Drawing information will be updated as available.  We have scheduled a Big Door prize drawing for 3pm each day.  On Friday, Find X will be giving away a sewing machine.  On Saturday, we will be giving away a big basket of goodies.  Visitors must be present to win.  

Early Bird Special – We try to encourage visitors to arrive early, shop, eat lunch and stay late for the machine drawing, so that they have a full day of shopping.  We start the day with “Early Bird Specials”.  This means you pick an item to promote during the first hour of the show. This is not a booth wide discount, but just something you would like to promote.  Maybe you give an extra discount on sale items, or look around your shop for something you have overstock.  Again, this is voluntary.  Not every shop has merchandise that lends itself to this promotion   We will give you a flyer to write your special on and post them by the front door.  Each day at 3 pm we will be giving away a sewing machine or a big basket of goodies.  Visitors must be present to win.  The first 100 visitors in the morning get two chances to win.

Please post show info anywhere you can….website, facebook and emails.  Your contacts are our best advertising.  All our efforts help each other succeed.

Thank you for your participation.  Our goal is to provide local retailers with an affordable experience, that will result in profit.  We know that doing a show is a lot of preparation and physical work.  Please contact us if you have any questions.

Sales Tax – The sales tax rate is 7%.  For those of you that need sales  and use tax forms, go to and use form E-500.  Follow the web fill in instructions.

Each booth will receive name badges or wrist bands for employee admission.
Food will be available on premises.  If you place your food order with us by Thursday, we can deliver it to your booth.

Access to electricity is free.  You may need drop cords to access the closest outlet.

We suggest you make arrangements for cellular service for your charge card machine.  DWCC does have wireless service.

Checklist – Booth sign, drop cord, multi plug, business cards, class schedules,  sufficient change, extra lighting, mat to stand on (the CC has a cement floor) and enthusiasm. Bring and sweater.  Dress in layers.  The building goes from hot to cold depending on the weather and attendance.

What else can you do to prepare?  Please include QFAM information on your website, in your e-mails, and in your newsletters.  We have tried to cover as many “calendar of events” publications as we can, but I’m sure we didn’t cover them all.  Take a few minutes at your computer and post this info anywhere you can think of, blogs, cable stations, facebook, etc.

Restrooms – are located on either side of the stage and in the lobby.

Thank You for your participation.  Our goal is to provide local retailers with an affordable experience, that will result in profit.  We know that doing a show is a lot of preparation and physical work.  Please contact us if you have any questions.

Cindy Page – 704-376-2531

Patti Cline -cell – 704-807-6992)

Hotel Information –

Hotel Information: In the past I have called for rates, but it seems that internet rates are better than what I can secure.  

Hampton Inn – 1904 South Horner Blvd.

Sanford, NC

(919) 775-2000

Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites

2110 Dalrymple Street

Sanford, NC

(919) 776-6600

Comfort Suites by Choice Hotels

1891 Bragg Street

Sanford, NC



If you need us, call us.

Cindy – 704-376-2531 or Patti – 704-807-6992


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