Monday, March 31, 2025  (The Pizza Girls!)

Habitat and Scrappy Quilt Show

February 23, 2021 by  
Filed under Main

Hello Quilters,
Sewing is what is keeping us sane.  Here are some pictures of what we are working on and some scrap quilt ideas.

Times Four Kit
76″ x 84″  $139.95

Here is another kit that features a Miss Rosie’s Quilt Co. pattern.  Lots of fabrics.  This kit had 64 fat eights. Simple four patches make a great scrap quilt. This kit contains all the fabric for the quilt top, the pattern and the fabric for the binding.  There are a few single patterns left.  $8.50.  Scroll below to see other scrap quilts in our little quilt show.

Hello Everyone,
Cindy and Mom got their 2nd shot this week.  It is a huge relief.  I hope that you have gotten your vaccine as well.  Things are slowly changing….
What are we working on?

This is pattern called Habitat by Fourth and Sixth Designs.  $8.00. We have 3 of these patterns left.

This was a project that was in a bag.  Lots of blocks.  Lots of leftover fabrics. I love this pattern.  It’s simple.  It’s random.  It’s stress free.
Here it is in a some other color ways.

Cindy has almost finished redoing her sewing room.  Did I mention that it involved carrying everything she had been working on downstairs, back upstairs?  Who knew that redoing your sewing room could be an aerobic activity?  She also just picked up her Jack’s Chain and My Kinda Town from our quilter, Laura Davies.  They look fabulous. Photos next week.


Call Cindy – 704-376-2531 if you would like to order anything or make an appointment to shop. Taxes and shipping will be added to orders. Remember, we do not have a shopping cart on our website.  If you need us for anything, call and make a shopping appointment.

Shopping Time

You can always make an appointment for any time that suits you by calling Cindy at the number above.  We would love to see you.  We are tired of talking to each other.  We will be “open” this Friday, Feb. 26, 2021 from 10 am – 4pm.  We are also going to be here on Saturday, Feb. 27 from 10 am – 2 pm.  You don’t need an appointment, you can just drop in.  Call us if you need directions.  We are located off I-40 between Statesville and Mocksville, NC. We’ll take 10 % off any fabric pack, pizza,  or kit that you purchase this Friday.

Another Kit

75″ x 75″
Kit contains all the fabric for the quilt top, the pattern and the binding fabric.  Pattern by Miss Rosie’s Quilt Co.

Quilt Show
Here are a few scrap quilts to give you some ideas.

Emma’s Legacy by Miss Rosie’s.   Out of Print

Loose Change by Miss Rosie’s. Out of print.  This one was always a favorite.  Take a closer look.  It’s just 9 patches.

Strips and Squares.  No Pattern.  Class sample.

Scrap quilt tips – Precuts are a timesaving way to purchase fabrics, and you do get a large variety of prints, but they command a premium price.  (Have I mentioned that fabric prices are going up again?)  They always seem to me to be mainly medium values. If you use a precut package, add some some lights and some darks from your stash.  You will be pleased with the little spark that fabrics from other manufacturers add to your packaged fabrics.
With a little organization, you can cut your own jellyrolls, layer cakes, etc. There are a lot of patterns designed for 2 1/2″ strips and squares.  Anytime you cut out a quilt and have small pieces left over, go ahead and cut  the leftovers into 2 1/2″ strips.  Put the strips in a snap lid box and before long, you will have enough strips for a “free” quilt.

Come to see us on Friday or Saturday.  Bring what you are working on to show us.  Call Cindy – 704-376-2531 if you would like to order anything or make an appointment to shop.


One last thing, something new is coming this fall.  During the months of October and November, we will be participating in the ALL CAROLINA’S SHOP HOP.  This will incorporate shops all over NC and SC. More details to follow.

Keep reading our newsletters.  We’ll have something different to feature each week. If your friends need to sign up, please go to our website, and put your info in the signup box.  Make sure you click on the desktop version, if you are looking on your phone, to get the full  website with all the quilt photos.

Tell your friends to look for our newsletters on Facebook.
Search for The Quilter’s Gallery or Cynthia Page.

Curly says, “Come see me and don’t forget the carrots.”

Cindy – 704-376-2531
Patti – 704-807-6992
Email: [email protected]












Save the Date

Quilting and Fiber Art Marketplace
Dennis A. Wicker Civic Center
1801 Nash St.
Sanford, NC 27330
Jan. 14, 2022 – 9am – 5 pm
Jan. 15, 2022 – 9am – 4 pm.

We have assembled more than 30 of your favorite small businesses that feature the best products for quilters and knitters.  Spend the day shopping for quilting fabrics, yarns for knitting, and wools for appliqué and much more.
QFAM starts early at 9am with Early Bird Specials.  Many vendors will have selected items on sale from 9am – 10am. Throughout the day, we will have hourly door prize drawings.  We plan to give away a couple of sewing machines as well!
Plan to arrive early and spend the day.  The first 100 people in the door, get an extra ticket to win all day long.
Mrs. Lacy’s Magnolia House will be serving her wonderful chicken salad and baked goods for your pleasure.


Quilting and Needle Art Extravaganza
Statesville Civic Center
300 South Center St.
Statesville, NC
Jan. 28, 2022 from 9 am – 5 pm
Jan. 29, 2022 from 9 am – 4 pm

Mark your calendar for this fabulous shopping event!
Spend the day shopping for quilting fabrics, yarns for knitting, and wools for appliqué.  Books, patterns and notions will inspire you to create.  Shop for a new sewing machine or a long arm sewing machine.  Our vendors are quilt shops and knitting shops.  Some vendors dye their own fabrics and some “grow” their own yarns on their farms.  Some vendors design their own patterns and some just know where to order the “best stuff”.
There will be hourly door prizes and each day at 3pm, Sew Original from Winston Salem and Studio Stitch from Greensboro will be giving away a Bernina Sewing machine.  (You must be present to win a machine.)  Arrive early.  Be one of the first 100 people in the door, and you will get an extra ticket to win all day long.
Cafe 220 will be there with their fabulous food and Troyer’s Bakery will have delicious baked goods.

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186 Page Farm Rd.

Cleveland, NC 27013

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