Monday, February 17, 2025  (The Pizza Girls!)

1/17/24 Newsletter

January 17, 2024 by  
Filed under Main

Hello Quilters,
We are off to a good start.  Next week is The Quilting and Needle Art Extravaganza in Statesville, NC.
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Hello Quilters,
Where in the world are Cindy and Patti?  Right now, we are in Myrtle Beach, SC getting ready for the Myrtle Beach Quilt Party.  Mardell Smith has been putting on this fun and educational event for over 30 years.  Everyone will arrive today and then we will have 3 days of classes, sewing and fun.  It might be the beach, but just like everywhere else, IT’S COLD HERE.  However, the view of the beach is lovely and makes you feel warmer than you are.
Next Monday, we will hit the ground running and make final preparations for the Quilting and Needle Art Extravaganza in Statesville.  We gave this show a big name because it’s a BIG SHOW. We are very excited about our vendor line up this year.  Many of your favorite shops are returning and we have several new shops making their first appearance.  Give these new gals some attention.  They have big quilting dreams and we want to see them come true.
Show highlights
Arrive early.  The first 100 people in the door get 2 chances to win all day.
Hourly door prizes.
3pm on Friday – Sewing machine drawing.
On Friday, Sew Original from Winston Salem and Studio Stitch from Greensboro will be giving away a fabulous Bernina sewing machine.  It will be a 325 Bernina.  It has a MSRP of $1499.00.  Cindy and I have sewn on Berninas for a long time.  We think they are just the best.  Plan to spend some time looking at machines.  You must be present to win the machine.
At 3pm on Saturday, we will give away another fabulous prize.  Details TBA.

If you don’t like crowds, come in the afternoon.  Saturday is less crowded than Friday and afternoons are less crowded than mornings. There will be food on site from 220 Cafe so plan to spend the day.

We have some of your favorite vendors retuning and some great new vendors.
Here is the list of vendors for 2024:Azalea Corner

Mooresville, NC


Bull Town Fabrics

Durham, NC


Carolina Quilt Studio

Greenville, SC 29615

Innova longarm quilting machines

The Cotton Quilt

Granite Falls, NC


The Designer’s Workshop

Duluth, Ga.

Original patterns and kits.

Dragonfly Quilt Shop

High Point, NC

Patterns and wool.

Susan Edmonson Designs

Concord, NC

Hand dyed fibers from around the world!

Elaine’s Attic

Landrum, SC


Empty Pockets Alpaca Farm

Climax, NC

Alpaca clothing items such as gloves, hats, scarves and  socks.

Epicurean Boutique

Occoquan, Va.

This shop is all about handwork! and wool!

Featherweight Poppy

Salisbury, NC

Singer Featherweight machines, 221 and 222k. Featherweight servicing available during the show. Contact John for an appointment.

5 Little Monkeys Quilt and Sew

Weaverville, NC

Rulers, notions, fabric.

Heart’s Desire by Joanie Garbee

Advance, NC

Vintage linens and textiles.

Boone, NC

Just Sew Happy

Gastonia, NC

Baby Lock dealer. Fabrics.

Loving Stitches

Fayetteville, NC

Quilting supplies, Bernina long arm machines.

Wilda McBride

Vintage chenille squares.  Jewelry.


Morganton, NC

Hand dyed cotton thread, fabric and yarn.

Quilt -n – Code

Burnsville, NC

Quilt top kits, fabric bundles.

Quilt Patch Fabrics

Matthews, NC

Fabrics, books, patterns.

Quilter’s Gallery


Our Fat Quarter Pizzas and 1/2 yard packages.


Cary, NC

Original quilt patterns.

Ruby Ribbon

Holly Springs

Shapewear, leggings, athleisure.

Schoolhouse Quilts

Forest City, NC 28043

Almost every book and notion that exists.

Sew Beautifully Creative

Graham, NC

Precuts, Dollclothes

Sew Original

Winston Salem

Studio Stitch


Bernina Sewing Machines

Sew 2GetherQuilting 

Spruce Pine, NC

Quilting fabrics, notions, kits.

Southern Charmers Country Store
Union Grove, NC
Soaps, earrings, honey.

CF Tomchick Designs

Clemmons, NC

Raku and stoneware ceramic buttons and scarf slides.

Triad Sewing and Vacuum

Winston Salem, NC

Janome and Brother sewing, quilting and embroidery machines.

U Can Quilt

Raleigh, NC

Quilt kits for busy people.

Wood Quilt Blocks

Manassas, Va.

Wood turned sewing tools

We want our show to be unique.  We want to include some local shops.  220 Cafe will be doing our food.  She has wonderful soups and sandwiches planned.  Dorcas Troyer’s Bakery features homemade breads, cookies, cinnamon rolls and those DOUGHNUTS! OH MY.
A new shop this year is Southern Charmers Country Store.  We think you will like the variety of unique items that they carry.

We look forward to seeing you there.  Bring your friends.  Parking is easy and free.  There will be food available in the lobby.  Plan to make a day of it.

Farm News

Many of you know that Cindy and I live in the country.  We are the 5th generation to live on this farm  Just recently, due to heath issues, our cousins who ran the farm decided to retire.  We are pleased to announce that Running T Beef will be expanding onto our farm.

This is Josh, Brandi, Wes and Wil.

Running T is the new way to farm.  They raise grass fed beef.  We are excited about the improvements that they will make to our farm.  This is farming the way it is supposed to be done.
They are currently taking orders for their Fall beef deliveries.  Take a look at their website if you are thinking about beef for this fall/winter.  They are taking orders now for beef to be ready by fall.  It’s a little different from just running to the grocery store when you need something, but it’s worth the extra effort and planning.

Chemical free pastures
No antibiotics or added hormones
NC local
Pasture raised
Live-growing, Biodiverse Forage Pasture Finishing

Josh and Brandi can explain this better than I can, so sign up for their newsletter and check out their website.  If you care about where you food comes from, I think this will interest you.  They ship meat all over the US.  We’ll be telling you more as things get started.

Donkey News

After a big Christmas and New Year’s Eve, the donkeys have settled back into normal days of hay, feed and wintery chill.  They are in good hands while I’m gone.  Uncle Doug is on call.  Wilbur is pouting in the background.  He has new shoes that he wants me to tell you about, but that will be another story.

Call Cindy – 704-376-2531 if you would like to order anything.
As most of you know, we are not a brick and mortar shop.  We are just a studio.

We are available by appointment.  Call us if you need directions.  We are located off I-40 between
Statesville and Mocksville, NC.
Our address is 186 Page Farm Road, Cleveland, NC  27013.
We are not anywhere close to Cleveland, NC, even though that is our mailing address.

Cindy – 704-376-2531
Patti – 704-807-6992

Email:  [email protected]

Save the dates in 2024

Cobblestone Quilters Guild Show, Charleston, SC
March 15 and 16, 2024.

East Cobb Quilters’ Guild Presents
Georgia Celebrates Quilts®
June 6 – 8, 2024











Save the Date

Quilting and Fiber Art Marketplace
Dennis A. Wicker Civic Center
1801 Nash St.
Sanford, NC 27330
Jan. 12, 2024 – 9am – 4 pm
Jan. 13, 2024 – 9am – 4 pm.

We have assembled more than 30 of your favorite small businesses that feature the best products for quilters and knitters.  Spend the day shopping for quilting fabrics, yarns for knitting, and wools for appliqué and much more.
QFAM starts early at 9am with Early Bird Specials.  Many vendors will have selected items on sale from 9am – 10am. Throughout the day, we will have hourly door prize drawings.  We plan to give away a couple of sewing machines as well!
Plan to arrive early and spend the day.  The first 100 people in the door, get an extra ticket to win all day long.
There will be delicious food in the lobby.

If you don’t like crowds, be advised afternoons are not as crowded as mornings and Saturday is not as crowded as Friday.


Quilting and Needle Art Extravaganza
Statesville Civic Center
300 South Center St.
Statesville, NC
Jan. 26, 2024 from 9 am – 4 pm
Jan. 27, 2024 from 9 am – 4 pm

Mark your calendar for this fabulous shopping event!
Spend the day shopping for quilting fabrics, yarns for knitting, and wools for appliqué.  Books, patterns and notions will inspire you to create.  Shop for a new sewing machine or a long arm sewing machine.  Our vendors are quilt shops and knitting shops.  Some vendors dye their own fabrics and some “grow” their own yarns on their farms.  Some vendors design their own patterns and some just know where to order the “best stuff”.
There will be hourly door prizes and each day at 3pm, there will be a fabulous door prize.   (You must be present to win.)  Arrive early.  Be one of the first 100 people in the door, and you will get an extra ticket to win all day long.
220 Cafe  will be there with their fabulous food and Troyer’s Bakery will have delicious baked goods.

If you don’t like crowds, be advised afternoons are not as crowded as mornings and Saturday is not as crowded as Friday.

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Quilter’s Gallery, Inc.

186 Page Farm Rd.

Cleveland, NC 27013

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